Question: Is it safe to use a damaged head in your Printer ?

Some say definitely not and others say most definitely yes, but there are exceptions to this rule, so it’s imperative that you know where that head came from before you use it first, otherwise it’s a definite no.

If the head came out of a known working printer because it has failed to give a satisfactory nozzle print, then that head is safe to use for test purposes.

When your printer suffers an error and it won’t budge and just sits there with flashing lights for instance, and you can’t figure out what the hell is wrong with it, the best way to trouble shot the problem is to use a spare print head to see if the printer will function again.

If for any reason your printer suffers a power failure and wont power on again, then NEVER use any parts out of that machine again and that goes double for the print head, also never be tempted to put a brand new head in either.

Most Canon errors are very mischievous and don’t relate to one single specific problem but once that error is lodged in the EPROM it’s very hard to dislodge it, but guess what 99% of the time a new print head seems to always work, and so those a different print head, I wonder why ?

So if your print head has a poor nozzle check and you decide to replace it, always keep that damaged head safe because you never know the day you might need it again..

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